Welcome to PAC 2024!
July 8-19 - Recital July 20th10:00am
Thanks for sending your kids to us! We look forward to our time with them and will love them as we do our own.!
Please follow us on Facebook for pictures during the camp session and news about what is going on!
Basic Camp Info
Camp Hours:
Mon – Fri 10 am – 4:30pm
Camp Cell #’s
Diana Rhoten - Camp Manager 707-484-7759
Maritsa Vargas -Attendance- 707-721-5260 (text preferred)
Directions to camp
Camp is located on “the Plaza” in Sonoma at the Sebastiani Theatre. Parking is limited and timed. If you will be parking for more than 3 hours please keep in mind that you may be ticketed. Also please do not block the entrance to the alley while dropping off.
Pick-up and drop-off
At the Sebastiani Theatre 476 First St East, Sonoma
AM DROP OFF: You can drop your camper off anytime after 9:45am.
PM PICK UP: You can pick up your camper anytime after 4:30pm. From 4pm – 4:30pm is “Open Mic” time and we encourage campers to come up on stage and show off what they have learned. You are welcome to arrive early and sit in on this fun time!
MISSED OR LATE DAYS: Please text Maritsa at 707.721.5260 if you are not bringing your child to camp or will be late on a given day.
At no time may a camper leave the Theatre or classroom area without adult supervision regardless of age.
What A Camper Needs
Label everything!
You wouldn’t believe our lost and found piles. If you have everything labeled we can easily track down the owners.
Bring to camp each day: Please put campers name on all items.
Water Bottle (filled)
Sun Screen (applied befor camp)
Gear Bag or Day Pack
Socks for Tap Shoes (we have taps shoes)
Face mask
We do not allow glass bottles in camp.
All drinks must be in plastic or paper containers with lids.
Buying Lunches:
We do not have the staff available to walk your camper to local restaurants to pick up lunches. If your camper is 13 or up we will allow them to walk to either the Basque Boulangerie or Mary’s Pizza Shack to pick up a lunch with a parent permission and letting the check in counselor know. Lunches must be pre-ordered by 12:00pm on the day they will be picked up. Campers must check in and out with the lunch Counselor (Maritsa) to go get their lunch and the Camp will not be responsible for your camper while they are picking up their lunch
Let a camp counselor know if items still need to be labeled. Also please send your campers in play cloths that can get dirty. We recommend that shorts or tights be worn under skirts.
Some Snack Ideas:
Morning snack is usually around 11:30am
Carrots Sticks Crackers
Fresh Fruit Fruit Juices
Trail Mix Breakfast Bars
Goldfish Sliced Fruit
Celery Sticks W/Cream Cheese
Some Lunch Ideas:
Sandwiches Cold Pizza
Carrots Sticks Bagels W/ Cream Cheese
Chips/Crackers Cold Pasta Or Pasta Salads
Boiled New Potatoes Cream Cheese & Rice Cakes
Celery Sticks Fruit Roll Ups
Water Bottle/Juice Etc.
We provide an afternoon snack around 3:00 pm
Fresh water is available at all times to refill water bottles and we encourage your child to drink water often.
Camp Do’s & Dont’s
Please do not:
drop campers off earlier that 9:45 am without prior arrangement
drop off campers if there is no instructor present
leave campers after 4:45 pm without prior arrangements
send glass containers to camp
send your camper with a phone, money or valuables.
No Flip Flops
Please do...
call or notify us in case of absence or late arrival. In advance if possible.
label everything: clothing, back pack, shoes, water bottle, everything possible.
notify us if any one other than an immediate family member is dropping off or picking up your camper(s). (Leaving with another camper’s parent is ok with approval.)
notify us if your child has any particular needs regarding sunscreen. (allergies to certain kinds, needs extra doses during the day etc.)
clean lunches out of cubbies daily, all edible items must be removed. Left over lunches will be sent back home with your camper.
check any medication that your child will need administered during the camp day with Georgia.
check in with your camper daily (especially the younger ones) and encourage them to talk to any counselor about their concerns.
Please advise Diana if we need to follow up on anything.
General Camp Itinerary
Daily Schedule:
10:10 am – 10:25 Warm Ups
10:25am – 10:30am Call for 1st Class
10:30am – 1:25am 1st Class
11:30 am – 11:40am Snack
11:40am – 11:45am Call for 2nd Class
11:45am – 12:45pm 2nd Class
12:45pm – 1:25pm Lunch and Park Time
1:25pm – 1:30pm Roll call and Call for 3rd Class
1:40pm – 2:24pm 3rd Class
2:40pm – 2:45pm Call for 4th Class
2:45pm – 3:45pm 4th Class
3:45pm – 4:00pm Afternoon Snack
4:00pm – 4:30pm Open Mic
How Classes Work:
We have 4 class times each day with multiple classes happening at the same time. All campers will sit in the theatre while we call out their names for the classes they are assigned. When called, campers should go stand with the instructor for that class. Instructors will then walk the campers to the class location.
Campers will be called for classes such as Dance, Acting and Magic every other day based on their level. For example, beginning tap will happen on Monday, Wed and Friday of the first week and on Tuesday and Thursday of the second week. We call the assigned classes first and then move to a more open format where the campers can choose from several “open” classes.
Try it at least once:
We encourage campers to try the class they are called for at least once. If they do not want to participate in that class further, they should let Diana or a counselor know and we can take their name off of the class.
Class Assignments:
Some classes are considered “open” such as Arts & Crafts, Lego Land, Karaoke, Journalism and Circus. These classes campers can take “at will” if there are spots available. Arts & Crafts is limited to 2 sessions per day.
Some classes such as Magic, Dance and Acting are grouped by age and/or ability. Campers will be called for the class that we think is right for them. If for some reason they are placed in a class that is too hard or too easy, please let them know that we will move them to a more appropriate class.
Class Locations:
We have classes all around the Theatre and Plaza. Campers will be walked with counselors to and from class locations at all times.
Final Show:
We host a fabulous showcase on the Saturday following the last day of camp at 10:00am. This is optional for all campers and the camp is not focused on the final show so there is no pressure for your child to participate. We do encourage you to attend, if you can, and see how much these amazing Campers learn in two weeks!
Each day your camper will check in at the front desk and pick up their nametag. They need to return the nametag and check out with the Counselor on Check Out Duty each day. Please do not take your children without checking them out. If your child has permission to ride or walk home they will still need to check themselves out before leaving.
General Camp Rules and Guidelines:
If you can, please discuss these with your kids before camp.
These will be reinforced and shared with them again on the first day of camp.
NO Phones, Ipods/pads/mp3 players, handheld videogames or any other electronic device not yet released to the public at the time of this writing. All Counselors have phones and access to parent info if a parent needs to be contacted. Conversely, if you need to reach your child during the camp day, you can call the camp leaders and we will connect you.
Please pack a morning snack and a hearty lunch for your child. Please no glass bottles or sodas. We provide an afternoon snack. If your child has food allergies or specific diet, we will make our best effort to accommodate them. We do not have the staff available to walk your camper to local restaurants to pick up lunches. If your camper is 13 or older and you sign the release form, we will allow them to walk to either the Basque Boulangerie or Mary’s Pizza Shack to pick up a lunch. Lunches must be pre-ordered by 12:00pm on the day they will be picked up. Campers must check in and out with Maritsa to go get their lunch and the Camp will not be responsible for your camper while they are picking up their lunch.
We encourage everyone to try all camp activities. If they choose not to participate they will not be forced or pressured. We practice “Challenge by Choice” with the goal of empowering campers to make a decision about their level of participation. If they are reluctant we will ask them to watch a few others try it and then give them the opportunity to opt in. If they still do not want to participate, we always have other options available.
Please let us know if your child is having any issues at camp. We make every effort to know what is going on with your camper and if they are having issues or concerns, we are concerned as well. Please call or email as soon as you can if your child has an issue so we can work to resolve it as soon as possible. This includes any difficulties with other campers, camp activities or counselors.
Each day your camper will check in at the front desk and pick up their nametag. They need to return the nametag and check out with the Counselor on Check Out Duty each day. Please do not take your children without checking them out. If your child has permission to ride or walk home they will need to check themselves out before leaving.
We ask that campers wear appropriate clothing for participating in multiple activities. This means that tights and/or shorts should be worn under skirts (and tutus). We also request that “short shorts” not be worn without leggings or tights under them. In addition, all t-shirts must be “tuck-in-able.” Other than that, we embrace any weird and crazy things that your camper may want to sport!
Walk with Counselors: All Campers must be with a counselor or junior leader at all times unless they are given permission to walk and get lunch.
Check In and Check out every day:
There will be a counselor in the lobby at all times. If you arrive after general check in or leave before general check out you must still check in and out. (Getting the idea that we are really serious about this?)
No Running in the Auditorium:
believe it or not, one of our biggest injuries was a chipped tooth from a camper running up and down the isle.
Words of Support Only:
Our goal is to keep camp a safe space for everyone to try out new things! This means that we are often not perfect when trying things the first time (or twentieth time). We applaud effort and encourage practice to get better. If your child is feeling like someone has made fun of them or is feeling shy please let us know right away. When issues like this are addressed promptly it can be a learning opportunity for all parties and will help keep camp a positive supportive environment.
Thank you again for sending your Campers to our camp.
We can’t wait for the SUMMER!