Welcome to Nature Camp 2025! Nature Camp at Carriger Creek (C4)

Thanks for sending your kids to us! We look forward to our time with them and will love them as we do our own. (Which means they get sun-screened many times a day and nagged about drinking water.) 

Please follow us on Facebook for pictures during the camp session and news about what is going on! 


Pick-up and drop-off.

C4 Pick-Up Times

  • Pool #1: 3:45 pm

  • Pool #2: 4:00 pm

  • Pool #3: 4:15 pm

  • Pool #4: 4:30 pm

C4 Drop -OFF Times

  • Pool #1: 8:45 am

  • Pool #2: 9:00 am

  • Pool #3: 9:15 am

  • Pool #4: 9:30 am

C4  AM DROP OFF: Our drop off location for camp is a small parking area at Star West Ranch - located at 2500 Grove St. It can accommodate, at max, 10 cars at a time. For this reason, we ask that campers arrive within their pools designated 15 minute, staggered arrival windows. A leader from each pool will meet their campers in the parking lot and then hike them into camp together. If you miss this drop-off you will need to contact Diana at 707-484-7759 or Jadyn at 707-210-7903 to make arrangements. You will not be able to drive into camp.

C4 Creek PM PICK UP: We will walk pools from camp, back to the parking lot for staggered pick up times: beginning at 3:45.  If you need to get your camper early, we are offering a 1:00pm early pick-up (available only on request the morning of camp day) text or call/text Diana at 707-484-7759 or Jadyn at 707-210-7903

Missed or Late Days: Please call Diana if you are not bringing your child to camp or will be late on a given day. Early pick-up and late drop off arrangements are tricky to coordinate as it pulls a counselor away from their group to walk your camper out to a pick up location. We ask that you help us avoid scheduling conflicts for your child. Please, if possible, do not schedule dentist, doctor, birthday appointments during their camp week. We don’t want them to miss out!

Directions to camp: Camp is located on a private property, with no driving access for cars other than our own emergency vehicles. The drop off/pick up parking area is about a quarter of  a mile from Carriger Creek Challenge Course, our central camp site. The address for the parking area, where we do pick up and drop off, is Star West Ranch at 2500 Grove St. People tend to drive very fast up and down Grove St, so please be careful on your way in/out.

Camp Cell #’s 

Diana 707.484.7759 (Camp Director @ C4)

Mari Vargas 707.721.5260 (Camp Admin/Registration)

Jadyn 707-210-7903 (C4 sign in/out)

Camp locations are in the trees surrounded by hills so reception comes and goes. Leave a message or send a text and we will check them regularly as we get reception.  

Label everything! 

You wouldn’t believe our lost and found piles.  If you have everything labeled we can easily track down the owners. 

Please Check the GIGANTIC LOST

and FOUND pile! Because, yes, your child lost something…. 

What A Camper Needs

Let a camp counselor know if items still need to be labeled. Also please send your campers in play cloths that can get dirty. We recommend that shorts or tights be worn under skirts, and long pants are worn for all climbing days. Swim suits can be worn under regular clothes in case we want to get wet in the creek

Bring to camp each day:

Please write, glue, stamp, etch, b’dazzle or otherwise indicate your camper's name on all items.


  • Water Bottle (filled) We have many Clean Reusable bottles we can gift you!

  • Sun Screen (applied befor camp)

  • Back Pack that can be worn

  • Spare Change of Clothes

  • Tshirt for Art projects (Just once)

  • Closed toe shoes or full strappy sandals (Keen/Teva type- NO flip flops)

  • NO CROCS for all daily use (you can have them in backpack for creek use only)

No glass bottles in camp. 

All drinks must be in plastic, metal or paper containers.

No Candy, Sodas or Peanuts (we have campers with severe allergies)

Some Snack Ideas: 

Morning snack is usually around 11:30am

Carrots Sticks Crackers

Fresh Fruit Fruit Juices 

Trail Mix Breakfast Bars

Goldfish Sliced Fruit

Celery Sticks W/Cream Cheese 

Some Lunch Ideas: 

Sandwiches Cold Pizza 

Carrots Sticks Bagels W/ Cream Cheese

Chips/Crackers Cold Pasta Or Pasta Salads

Boiled New Potatoes Cream Cheese & Rice Cakes

Celery Sticks Fruit Roll Ups

Water Bottle/Juice Etc. 

We provide an afternoon snack around 2:00 pm

Fresh water is available at all times to refill water bottles and we encourage your child to drink water often. 

All trash is packed out each day. We ask for your help by sending food for snacks and lunches in reusable containers to help reduce trash created on site. We are working to be as waste-free as possible.

Camp Do’s & Don'ts 

Please do not: 

  • send your child to camp sick

  • drop campers off earlier than arrival time without prior arrangement

  • drop off campers if there is no counselor present

  • leave campers after departure time without prior arrangements 

  • send glass containers to camp

  • send your camper with a phone, money or valuables.

  • no Flip Flops

Please do... 

  • call or notify us in case of absence or late arrival. In advance if possible. 

  • call us if your child or anyone interacting in-person with your child shows symptoms or tests positive for covid-19

  • label everything: clothing, back pack, shoes, underwear, water bottle, everything possible. 

  • notify us if any one other than an immediate family member is dropping off or picking up your camper(s). (Leaving with another camper’s parent is ok with approval.) 

  • notify us if your child has any particular needs regarding sunscreen or allergies. (i.e. needs extra doses during the day etc.)

  • send a spare pair of clothes in a ziplock bag to be left in camper’s cubbie.

  • clean lunches out of cubbies daily, all edible items must be removed. Leftover lunches will be sent back home with your camper.

  • check any medication that your child will need administered during the camp day with Diana, or Carrenne.

  • freeze a partially filled water bottle the night before if we are having a heat wave.

  • check in with your camper daily (especially the younger ones) and encourage them to talk to any counselor about their concerns. Please advise Diana or Kimberly if we need to follow up on anything. 

General Camp Itinerary: 

Itinerary may change due to weather, whim, and unforeseen circumstances. 

In general though….

Nature Camp at Carriger Creek

Ropes course and rock climbing We will be climbing at either the ropes course or the rock climb almost daily. Please send your campers with long pants and closed toe shoes, for safety and comfort on the events. All our adventure activities are “Challenge by Choice”, and if a camper does not choose to climb there will be alternative activities.  If you have any questions or concerns about these events call Diana at 707.484.7759.

Creek Hiking & creek study We will be spending a lot of time in Carriger Creek - hiking, playing, and learning about plants and animals that live there. While it is not necessary for your child to wear a swimsuit for creek time, we ask that you consider sending your camper with a towel and clothes/a pair of shoes that can get wet. 

In-camp activities and art projects Most days there will be some down time for campers to relax under the trees, play games, make art, or read. We have enough activities on site for everyone!

***** Please put your camper’s name on the label with a permanent marker*****

General Camp Rules and Guidelines:

If you can, please discuss these with your kids before camp. These will be reinforced and shared with them again on the first day of camp.

ELECTRONICS: NO Phones, Ipods/pads/mp3 players, handheld videogames or any other electronic device not yet released to the public at the time of this writing. All counselors have phones and access to parent info if a parent needs to be contacted. Conversely, if you need to reach your child during the camp day, you can call the camp leaders and we will connect you.

LUNCHES: Please pack a morning snack and a hearty lunch for your child. Please no glass bottles or sodas. We provide an afternoon snack. If your child has food allergies or specific diet, we will make our best effort to accommodate them.  

PARTICIPATION: We encourage everyone to try all camp activities. If they choose not to participate they will not be forced or pressured. We practice “Challenge by Choice” with the goal of empowering campers to make a decision about their level of participation. If they are reluctant we will ask them to watch a few others try it and then give them the opportunity to opt in. If they still do not want to participate, we always have other options available. 

ISSUES: Please let us know if your child is having any issues at camp. We make every effort to know what is going on with your camper and if they are having issues or concerns, we are concerned as well. Please call or email as soon as you can if your child has an issue so we can work to resolve it as soon as possible. This includes any difficulties with other campers, camp activities or counselors. 


Each day your camper will check in at the parking lot with the Parking Lot Counselor. They will need to check out in the afternoon with the Parking Lot Counselor as well. Do not allow campers to run through the parking lot to your car.

Safety: All Campers must be with their counselor leaders at all times. When we go for a hike, to the ropes course/ rock climb or creek, a counselor will lead the group and another counselor will follow at the end of the group.  We do have several environmental “hazards” which we will teach the kids how to be safe around:

  • Ticks: we live in tick country. Each night you should check for ticks- under arms, in hair etc. If a tick is found gently remove the entire tick and place it into a plastic bag with a cotton ball with a small bit of water. Watch the site for several days and if a “red bulls eye” develops, take the tick and camper to the doctor.

  • Snakes: we do have snakes at Nature Camp. Mostly they stay far away but this is one reason the counselors are always first in the group. If a snake is spotted, campers should freeze in place and yell “Snake!” a Counselor will be right over to determine if the snake is a Rattle Snake and to help the camper back safely way.  

  • Yellow Jackets: we do our best to stay away from these demons but they are around. Staying on the established trails helps tremendously!  

  • Poison Oak: We teach the kids how to identify this potentially frustrating plant and we try to keep them out of areas that it is occupying. The best defense is to take a SOAPY shower every night and put the day’s clothes straight into the washing machine.  They may complain about the bath but they will complain about the poison oak more.